Thank you for supporting Micron Group as We Do It For MS!
Micron has generously kicked off a fundraising campaign supporting sufferers of the crippling disease-MS, donating $20,ooo..
We ask that you consider supporting our cause by donating,. Your donation will be acknowledged in several ways & would be extremely helpful. Visit our commitment page for more information Tremendously Helpful We ask our corporate partners to match us, or indeed do what they can for this worthwhile cause. We urge you to talk to the relative people in your organisation to assist with the campaign. We thank you for considering our request, and look forward to hearing from you.We thank you for all your support. Donation links appear below Help Us Help MS Australia – Donate NOW
Why We are fundraising?
Micron Group is raising vital funds to support people living with multiple sclerosis. Every working day 4 people are newly diagnosed with this chronic disease. It can strike anyone at any time and the symptoms vary so widely.
Can you imagine waking up one day unable to do the everyday things you would usually take for granted? Like not being able to walk or see properly (or at all), you physically can’t get out of bed, can’t walk to the phone, – imagine constantly living with pain.
All of a sudden your world has changed.
Thanks to your generous support, the funds we raise as a team will allow Children & people living with multiple sclerosis to access vital MS support services and treatment. To take part in the worldwide fight against MS please see additional information MS International Federation